If you are planning a trip overseas you may need to be vaccinated against a range of diseases which can be caused by infected insects or contaminated water and food.

We offer a comprehensive pre-travel health check, vaccination and travel advice service to patients already registered with Harrington Medical.

If you are planning foreign travel, you should book a consultation well in advance to discuss necessary vaccines, malaria prophylaxis prescriptions and other medical advice regarding your destinations. Some vaccines can take up to 3 weeks to become effective with some disease requiring more than 1 vaccine in the course.

Requirements for any travel vaccines can change according to various outbreaks in any country.

When calling for an appointment please notify us of the country / countries and regions there-of that you plan to visit and for who long. Importantly, please let us know if you have had any travel vaccinations previously.



Typhoid is a bacterial disease transmitted through contaminated food and water. It is a very contagious disease and requires urgent treatment. Some patients remain carriers and may be capable of passing the disease to others. The disease is transmitted through contaminated food and water. Insects may also play a role in transferring contaminated material to food for human consumption.


The disease is found throughout the world but is more common in regions where immunisation programmes have been limited or withdrawn due to economic reasons or from civil strife. Man is the only known host and transmission is most commonly by droplet or dust contamination.


The major source of infection is through the bite of an infected animal. Any warm blooded animal may be capable of transmitting the disease through their infected saliva


Malaria is a serious and sometimes fatal disease which is widespread in many tropical and subtropical countries. It is caught by being bitten by an infected mosquito that is carrying the malaria parasites in its saliva.

Malaria occurs in over 100 countries and more than 40% of the people in the world are at risk. Large areas of Central and South America, Hispaniola (Haiti and the Dominican Republic), Africa, the Middle East, the Indian subcontinent, Southeast Asia, and Oceania are considered malaria-risk areas

It should be noted that no prophylactic regimen is 100% effective and advice on malaria prophylaxis changes frequently. There are currently five prophylactic regimens used, due to the differing resistance that exists by the malaria parasites to the various drugs used.

The tablets you require depend on the country to which you are travelling. Start taking the tablets before travel and take them regularly during your stay, preferably with or after a meal and continue to take them after you have returned. This is extremely important to cover the incubation period of the disease.

Yellow Fever

Yellow fever is a viral illness which is spread by the bite of a mosquito. The species of mosquito that is responsible for spreading yellow fever is Aedes Aegypti and is a different species from the Anopheles mosquito that transmits malaria.

There is no drug available to cure yellow fever hence treatment is aimed at symptomatic relief. Overall about 5% of patients die. Those who recover do so completely and are immune thereafter. In general, all travellers going to an endemic area require a yellow fever vaccination certificate and travellers going to some parts of Asia from an endemic region will also require a certificate. Harrington Medical is authorised to give Yellow fever vaccinations.

Vaccinations (current vaccination costs excluding administration fee) which are available in our surgery:

Flu €20

Diphteria Tetanus Polio (DTP) €40

DTP Pertussis €30

Typhoid €35

Typhoid and Hep A €65

Yellow fever €40

Rabies per injection (x3) €60

Hep A €40

Hep B per injection (x3) €40

MMR €30

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